How to Manage and Prevent Stains on Your Leather Upholstery

Leather is a tough yet flexible material that makes long-lasting and classy upholstery. The material resists tears, dirt and spills, and this makes it more durable than other fabrics. However, just because leather upholstery is resistant to spills doesn't mean it's stain-proof. Although the material doesn't absorb spills, it can stain and be an eyesore in your home. Therefore, it's essential to learn how to manage and prevent stains to maintain the visual appeal of your upholstery.

With this in mind, keep reading to learn the top causes of stains on leather upholstery and how to manage and prevent them.

Mould and Mildew Stains

One common cause of stains on leather upholstery is mould and mildew. High moisture levels in your home can encourage mould growth on your couch. Once the spores settle into the leather, they leave unsightly dark marks which can be hard to remove. The presence of mould in the home can also affect indoor air quality and lead to respiratory allergies.

Protect your upholstery from mould by regulating humidity in your home. Run your air conditioner or use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture. If you have mould or mildew in your leather, mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and water and wipe down the leather with the solution. Leave the seat to dry and coat the seat with wax dressings to prevent future mould growth and staining.

DIY Stain Removal Solutions

Some DIY solutions for stain removal can do more harm than good to your leather seats. For example, acetone-based products, which are commonly used to remove stains, can discolour your couch permanently. Other harsh store-bought products that contain chemicals can also stain the furniture by bleaching or fading it.

Avoid using any DIY solutions on your couch. Some safe options include white vinegar, mild soap or dish soap, rubbing alcohol and ice cubes. Alternatively, buy cleaners that are specially formulated for use on leather upholstery.

Poor Upholstery Maintenance

Lack of proper care and maintenance can expose your upholstery to staining. Below are some things that can ruin your leather couch:

  • Not wiping stains immediately
  • Letting your pet sit on the sofa after applying wet flea medication
  • Sitting on leather upholstery after swimming in chlorinated water
  • Sitting on leather upholstery with bleeding denim jeans

If you're doing any of these things, you may be unknowingly staining your furniture. Always wipe stains immediately when they happen using the safe homemade solutions. If your pet has flea medication, let it dry before allowing the pet on the seat. Remove wet swimsuits to avoid chlorine stains on the couch. 

Stains on your leather upholstery can be unsightly, but this doesn't mean you should endure them. Contact a cleaning service for leather upholstery cleaning and professional maintenance services.
